Natasha Vernier
Jan 20, 2022

The Cable Operating System

The concept behind company values is great, but so often they are hard to implement. How many employees can recite their company values? How do you make sure they are actually used to make decisions? And how do you align or combine the values and the culture you are trying to build?

At Cable we wanted to make sure that we created a way of working that reflected who we try to be, how we want to work, and the things that we believe will make us better at our jobs. We call this our Operating System.

We have 5 principles, and each principle comes with a why, a how, an is not, and some ways we want to help people achieve the principle as we grow. We believe that by giving people more information about the reasons for doing certain things, and importantly what doing those things does not mean, it will help people weave the behaviours into their day to day working life.

Below is our Operating System in detail, and we’d love any feedback or thoughts on this — it’s definitely a work in progress and will change over time. In particular, we’d be keen to hear any ideas for ways we can help people achieve these principles in the future!

Updated, January 2022

Be Kind

Why we are kind

How we are kind

Being kind is not

Ways we want to help people be kind

Make Transparent Decisions

Why we make transparent decisions

How we make transparent decisions

Making transparent decisions is not

Ways we want to help people make transparent decisions

Communicate Clearly

Why we communicate clearly

How we communicate clearly

Communicating clearly is not

Ways we want to help people communicate clearly

Aim to Improve

Why we aim to improve

How we aim to improve

Aiming to improve is not

Ways we want to help people aim to improve

Empower through Responsibility

Why we empower through responsibility

How we empower through responsibility

Empowering through responsibility is not

Ways we want to help people empower themselves and others through responsibility

Previous Versions of our Operating System

Turning Values into an Operating System

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